I'm waiting for my results, it's not out yet, Thanks to our stupid educational system/routine.
I'm looking for a job, flying my resume everywhere.
I'm drawing and doodling on photoshop more now, which is good.
I don't feel Ramadan at all, I don't know why. Ramadan and summer is an unbalanced equation I guess.
I cook a lot with mama, everyday =D
I miss my friends.
I miss my ex, sometimes. It's weird, one day I miss him and can't cope, and another I'm fine w feel like better off.
I'm wearing a blueish green (Fayroozi) nail polish, It's A-mazing! A Luna brand. Love it <3
My hair is longer! Nice!
I'm reading a lot lot lot.
I listen to Abd El Halim radio channel.
I hate/love Tracy Chapman. There's this song called the promise. It's so heartbreaking. Don't listen to it. A blow that hits home :(
I don't tweet enough.
I've lost a friend. The type you regret giving your number to. Painful though, and somehow I end up being the bad person, their view of course not mine.
I went to Prom :D It was fun, I didn't win any title...some cheated during prom votes. But I've been nominated to Queen, Best dress and Most creative :D
W eh tany?
His birthday on 28th...ignore it? or at least write on his wall?
That would be all of all!
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